Closing Period Automatically
Lukman •
15-09-2023 •
1317 Viewer
SAP Business One
When a period reaches its end, users have the ability to change the status to "Closing Period", so that other users cannot make transactions during that period. This is simple if the period lasts a whole year, but becomes very important if the period only lasts a month or a week. To overcome this, SAP B1 provides a feature to automatically change the period status.
Before we discuss the steps to automate the "Closing Period" function in SAP Business One, let's remember the previous article which discussed "Posting Periods" in the article entitled "Closing Transaction Posting Periods".
Furthermore, period closing automation can be done via the "Posting Periods" menu which is located under the "Administration" menu? "System Initialization".
If a user ticks the box, the period status will automatically change to "Closing Period" according to the specified date. Apart from that, users also have the flexibility to determine how long the status change will be valid. For example, if the user selects "2", then the user can still make transactions for two days after the period ends.
Tags : SAP Business One Bandung, SAP Business One Bali, SAP Business One Surabaya, SAP Business One Jakarta, SAP Business One Semarang